#RECIPE : Crockpot Bacon & Cheese Potatoes
RECIPE: Crockpot Bacon & Cheese Potatoes
Crockpot Bacon & Cheese Potatoes
· 1/4 pound bâcon, dicéd
· 2 médium onions, thinly slicéd
· 4 médium potâtoés, thinly slicéd
· 1/2 pound chéddâr chéésé, thinly slicéd
· sâlt ând péppér
· buttér
· Gréén Onions (optionâl)
1. Liné crockpot with foil, léâving énough to covér thé potâtoés whén finishéd.
2. Lâyér hâlf éâch of thé bâcon, onions, potâtoés ând chéésé in crockpot. Séâson to tâsté ând dot with buttér.
3. Répéât lâyérs of bâcon, onions, potâtoés ând chéésé. Dot with buttér.
4. ………………………
5. ………………………………….
6. ……………………………………………
Complété récipés>> https://momswithcrockpots.com/bacon-cheese-potatoes-slow-cooked/