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Recipe : Famous Javanese Lontong Opor

     In Indonesia, rice cakes ( lontong, if cylinder shapes and ketupat if diamond shaped) comes in various shapes and sizes.  Almost every city in Indonesia has its own interpretation of lontong/ ketupat opor ( rice cakes with chicken curry). It has the soft texture o the rice cake is best to pair with pale yellow, savory curry. Side dishes include sambal goreng krecek ( beef skin crackers in chili sauce), gulai koyor ( beef tendon curry) and sambal goreng petai ( stink beans in chili sauce). Now lets make your wn Rice cakes with chicken curry / Lontong Opor!

Main Ingredient :
  1. 1 chicken ( cut into 4 or 8 pieces)
  2. 1 coconut ( made into coconut milk)
  3. 2 indonesian bay leaves
  4. 2 lemongrass stalk ( bruised)
  5. 2 finger sized pieces galangal ( bruised)
  6. 2 tbsp coconut sugar ( shaved)
Spice Paste :
  1. 5 shallots
  2. 2 garlic cloves
  3. 1 tsp coriander
  4. 2 tsp salt
  5. 4 candlenuts
How To Make :
  1. In a food processor or using mortar and pestle grind the spices to a smooth paste. Heat a little cooking oil in a pot then sautee the spice paste.
  2. Add chicken pieces to the pot. After the chicken browns, pour in the coconut milk. Add cconut sugar, Indonesian bay leaves, lemongrass and galangal. Continue cooking until the chicken cooked through.
  3. Javanese Lontong Opor ready to serve with lontong / rice cakes.